Tuesday 9 August 2011

Leeding by Example (It Had to be Done)

His Lordship Arthur Roche, bishop of Leeds, speaks about the new translation of the Roman Missal in an interview conducted by (one thinks) a representative of the Catholic Communications Network of England & Wales (10 mins long).  As chairman (nota bene interviewer - the bishop is clearly of that sex and to my knowledge has not taken on the form of a piece of furniture) of ICEL he is more hopeful than most that the new translation will yield the promised harvest.

When asked about whether the introduction of the newly translated Missal would result in more sung Masses, His Lordship was optimistic.  The newly translated Missal with its excellent offering of chants and vastly improved layout is unquestionably a necessary step in the process of moving towards more sung Masses. 

His Lordship also alludes to paragraph 8 of Sacrosanctum Concilium when he states that the celebration of Holy Mass should be a foretaste of heaven. 

Finally, the bishop states his desire that parishes in the diocese of Leeds introduce the Missal chants of the Ordinary during the period of September to November this year.

Bishop Arthur Roche, prelate of the diocese of Leeds