Tuesday 18 September 2012

More videos from Cologne Cathedral

It is now possible to acquaint oneself with the liturgies at Köln Cathedral by watching the domradio broadcasts from there of important celebrations throughout the Church's year, uploaded either to the domradio or to the Cathedral's own youtube channel.  

During the European summer holidays, visiting choirs are invited to sing for the Solemn Sung Mass at the Cathedral.  A few weeks ago, it was the Durham University Chamber Choir filling in, and they sang the Byrd Mass for Five Voices, as well as the Robert Parsons Ave Maria.  They have a very appealing soprano line, with a pleasing sound overall, although the use of choral effects for the "cum Sancto Spiritu" and "Amen" of the Gloria arguably could have been less 'deliberate'. 

And here is the resident liturgical choir singing at the Mass of Easter Sunday (in this video of the whole Mass there is the Easter Introit, Latin Chant Greeting, Confiteor and Collect, Rheinberger's Cantus Missae and much more that commends itself to one).