Friday 23 September 2011

Radio Interview with Director of Music at St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney

The Director of Music at St. Mary's Cathedral, Thomas Wilson, was on 4 September interviewed on the ABC programme Sunday Nights.  The interviewer was Noel Debien, himself a choral music director at St. Francis of Assisi Paddington, an inner city parish run by the Franciscans.  The topics of discussion were generally confined to sacred music and its centrality to the celebration of the Roman Rite.  And for those who might be growing a little tired of the whole issue of the new English translation of the Roman Missal, not a word about it is mentioned. 

Click here to download the interview in mp3 format. 

Excerpts of pieces sung by the Cathedral Choir are interspersed throughout the programme, and here are some further excerpts from previous posts on this blog:
